Jean-Michel Basquiat

Influential New Yorkers Series

Thirty-three years ago today, Brooklyn native Jean-Michel Basquiat died in his East Village studio. He was 27 years old.

Basquiat was a self-taught painter whose art addressed race, social conventions, and self-identity. Raised by parents who immersed him in art from a young age, much of his childhood was spent in New York’s world-renowned art museums. As a teenager he left his family home to live on the streets of Manhattan, immersed in his art and surrounded by other emerging artists of 1980’s New York. Luck for us all, he may just have influenced NYC as much as NYC influenced him.

If you know his name but don’t know his story, do yourself a favor and watch the entire documentary “The Radiant Child” via this Youtube link.

If you’re already familiar with this legendary New Yorker, maybe take a few minutes to reflect back on the NYC of the 1980’s that produced Jean-Michel and realize that we still see his influence all around us today


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